(256) 536-1559 office@epworthumc.net

Get Involved

Sunday School Classes

Sunday School Classes – We have two active adult Sunday School classes – the Searchers Class and the Francis Asbury Class. The Francis Asbury Class meets at the end of the top level in the “Giraffes” classroom, next to the bathrooms. The Searchers class meets on the second floor near the elevator. We also have children’s and youth classes on the second level under the sanctuary.

Mission Team
Our primary mission partner is First Stop, a local agency that helps the homeless population. A group from Epworth serves breakfast twice a month, and we regularly collect items in worship. Go to their website to find out more about their ministry.
Family Ministries

In addition to making a place for children and families in our regular activities, we offer other activities focused on families throughout the year. Our MDO, Prek, & Kindergarten is one of our oldest and most vital ministries. We have activities for the whole family each Sunday morning during Sunday School. We’re always looking for more ways to minister to not just kids, not just youth, but to families.

Music Ministry

We are cordially iniviting those gifted with musical talent, and even those who are interested to learn how to sing, to join our Choir. Please Contact Us for more info.


Check our Calendar page for more upcoming events!